
Is your design workspace affecting your productivity?

We usually spend a large part of our day in our workspaces. So it is evident, the workplace environment has a very drastic impact on the workers. Numerous studies have shown that the environment in which you work influences your mental energy and overall productivity. Lighting, temperature, personal space, and community are a few of the factors that can affect various aspects of your work. Having a workspace that optimizes our work efficiency thus becomes crucial.

The physical work- area

The contemporary open floor-planning is an excellent example of how work-area spacing can have an impact on productivity. The cubicle setup allows communication and, at the same time, gives personal space to the worker. The open environment helps inspire ideas, and at the same time, provides privacy. The ventilation, noise proximity, and cleanliness are other factors that we often neglect but should keep in mind while choosing a co-design workspace.

The social environment

One can optimize productivity by minimizing disturbances. Although sometimes working in a cluster can boost creativity, uncontrolled workspace interaction can be detrimental. Shared workspace etiquettes should be enforced and followed at all times. A co-design space catering to these arrangements is a good choice to work on your designs.


Some quality social elements can prove to be very inspirational when it comes to creativity. Brainstorming sessions with peers are very helpful in dealing with a creative block. Furthermore, working with similar-minded patrons promotes the opportunity for future business collaborations. Unlike traditional offices, design entrepreneurs from various different sectors use the co-designing areas. Venture designing processes are nurtured very well in a co-designing space.

In conclusion, the current trends of leasing out co-designing spaces are explained by the above-stated reasons. Collaborations, community learning, and sustainable productivity are achieved when one works in an optimal workspace. Unbound by the traditional work rules and having your personal creative space, you can step forward towards your design goals and fabricate your brainchild.

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